BIONET Training Education

(organiced by the IBF-Research-Network at the Institute of Biodanza Research in Leipzig, by support of Sergio Cruz):

One aim of BIONET is to bring BIODANZA with Evidence Based Programmes in Institutions (e.g. Kindergardens, Schools, Elderly People, Health Insurances, Stressmanagement in Companies). We develope those programmes and evaluate them scientifically. Than we organize trainings. Except TANZRPO Biodanza for Children (with agreement only to use the exercises out of the programme) all participants have to be Biodanza teachers. 

TANZPRO Biodanza is the Synonym for Evidence Based Biodanza Programmes. Mostly 10 Sessions with handbooks and music and scientific articles.  


Next Instructor Trainings: 

TANZPRO Biodanza (Instructor-Training) for Kindergarden/School Children (32 sessions): starts July 2018 in Leipzig. With Handbook, Music.   

TANZPRO Biodanza Aquatica (starts October 2018 in Cornwall/England, Organisator Altair Almeida. Infos:

TANZPRO-Biodanza for Health Prevention Courses "Dance and Wellbeing", e.g. for the use in companies, schools and health insurances, planned in 2019 Infos:


1.) BIONET-Journal: Scientist meets Biodanza: Biodanza teachers publish articles, e.g. Jorge Terren (Argentina/Spain), Juan Lopez (Spain)

How can I get member of the BIONET Research Network? Please write to


2) Actual DOWNLOADS Biodanza Research: 

2017: In November available 2nd Edition of "Dance towards Health" in 4 Languages. It was 2008 the first Biodanza Research Book worldwide with all the Biodanza studies worldwide with a Preface of Rolando Toro. Please order at Schibri Publishing house or

2017: New Oxford University Press Publication "Dance and Wellbeing" with BIODANZA: Download Content + Biodanza for children

2017: Downloads Biodanza Research Publications 


2016: Systematic review of 7 Biodanza Studies on Biodanza Stressreduction and Wellbeing (e.g. Leipzig Research Group, Italian Research group) With critical reflexion and minimum standards for a "good study design")

2012: Download PhD and Professorial Dissertations about Biodanza Barbara Pereira, Alejandra Villegas, Marcus Stueck


3) Actual Projects

Biodanza Research: 

- Portugal: Evaluation of 10 week courses with Care workers (Ana Silva, Ana, Marcus)

- Portugal: Evaluation Vitality/Sexuality classes (Susanna Agostino, Marcus)

- Brasil: Post Doc Moises

- Indonesia: School of Empathy: Biodanza for children

- Germany/England: Biodanza Aquatica (Marcus Alejandra Uli Sack Uli Balzer)

to complete the list please write to


We wish you sucess in your work. Yours Alejandra Villegas (Penguine from Argentina) & Marcus Stueck (Polar Bear from Germany), Directors Baltic and Leipzig School of Biodanza and coordinators of BIONET. We work since 20 years together. Please write to us: